Free Rapidshare Premium Account
If you’ve been looking for free Rapidshare Premium Accounts for the past decade and finally realized : all the logins and passwords are fake! No problem by itself but you still want that free Rapidshare Premium Account. So that leaves you with 2 options : You can either BUY it ($10/month – is it really worth it? Of course …)or
EARN it (a few minutes of your time)
Obviously, if you chose the second option you don’t want to spend any money on that Rapidshare account. No one does. Here I’ll tell you how to EARN a Rapidshare premium account. All you need is a PayPal or AlertPay account. Its free and as easy as creating an email account. Next, you’ll have to visit a few paying sites, register and click a few ads in them. Anyone who can use a computer and spare ten minutes can do this. I have given a list of these paying sites below. At the end of this, you’ll be having enough balance in your account to buy your own Rapidshare Premium! And even better, you can use this balance to buy products on eBay, shop online, buy software or just withdraw it. Just follow these steps:
1. Create a PayPal account
and an AlertPay account
(both are free and will help you collect the money you earn from the websites below)
2.Visit the following paying sites and register:- Plebs Cash – Earn cash!
- CashCrate
- Valued Opinions ($5 – $50 a Survey)
- Advercash
- PaidClicks
- TheClickers
- Clicksia
- TitanClicks
- Subvert and Profit (You also need a Digg or StumbleUpon account for this one)
4.Receive money into your PayPal and AlertPay accounts.
5.Use this balance to purchase a Rapidshare Premium Account.
That’s it. You’ll have your own premium account in no time. And stop searching for stuff like free Rapidshare passwords, hacks, links, tricks etc. It does not work and by doing so, you are encouraging spam.Good luck!
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